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  • There are small insects flying around my plants. What are they? Are they doing any harm?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    What you have are probably fungus gnats. These small insects are common and harmless, but they can be a bit of a nuisance and may signal an overwatered plant. Moist soil is the ideal place for their tiny, wormlike larvae to develop, so fungus gnats tend to conglomerate around plants when they lay their eggs. The larvae are harmless, too; they eat b
  • How will I know if I have bed bugs?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The most reliable way to confirm you have bed bugs is to contact an entomologist or pest management professional and have them identify a sample collected from your home. However, there are key warning signs that you may have an infestation: A) Going to bed and waking with bites, welts or rashes. Bite marks may appear in a rows and clusters. B) Dar
  • How do I get rid of ants in my kitchen?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    In the kitchen, ants are commonly found on counter, inside cabinets and around the dishwasher. To treat an ant infestation, it?s especially important to identify the type of ant involved. Some ant species can be controlled using ant baits, while others cannot. In most cases, the key to success is following the ants back to their colony and treating